Late period

Hey ladies. I am having a really difficult time here. I have rather irregular periods. Between 23-30 days in between cycles, typically 27 days. My last period came 5 days late which I believed was stress induced and due to a small hormonal imbalance I have. I am also not on birth control (yes I know I should go on it, I have an appointment in a week). My period right now is on day 4 of being late. The only difference is that I had sex this time between periods. I had sex on two different occasions with two different guys. Both protected sex. I know 100% there’s no way I could be pregnant with the one guy, checked the condom and everything. However the other guy was a virgin and apparently had some issues with the condom that he didn’t tell me about. He claimed he did one stroke without a condom on. But his best friend (my best friends boyfriend) said that he’s a pretty compulsive liar to get attention.

I know I might be paranoid, but I am just very stressed out that I could be pregnant. I have some period symptoms, the acne, sore boobs, heightened sex drive, sugar cravings, but the only 2 new symptoms is that I have no back pain and I have a lot of discharge (TMI I’m sorry).

I am going to take a test on Monday to make sure. If you have any tips or comments to help to relax me, I’d appreciate it. I’m currently sitting here shaking because I’m terrified that I could’ve done something very impulsive (which I never do) and may have to face some serious consequences cause I caved into being sexually active with someone i don’t really know for the first time.

And this image is a very clear example of me at this very moment.

So yeah, that’s my story. I’m 21 and freaking out.