Visiting the in-laws atm...

I’m past the half way point 😅 ... and I’ve been well enough to travel so we’ve come down to the in-laws for a weekend trip (3hr journey). It’s been a lovely few days! We haven’t been for a visit since Christmas so we’ve been due to stay with them a while.

I just have a niggling thing that’s stressing me out and keeping me up in the middle of the night... I am a FTM and it will be the 1st grandchild on both sides so everyone is super excited. We live 3 hrs away from both of our families and we made the decision that we won’t have any visitors at the hospital or for the first few days at home (priority is delivering safely, getting baby to feed from me and my recovery - I don’t want an audience for any of this). My parents are fairly accepting of this and understand... hubby was attempting to explain this to MIL but she kept interrupting that ‘she’d be straight up there’😬. In my head I’m like.... uuugh, no.... that’s not going to happen. Hubby didn’t do well at being straight on the topic unfortunately but he managed to get across that visitors can’t stay with us when the time comes 😅!

As a FTM, I’m just getting super stressed about the situation! Any experienced mamas or others who feel the same?

Also - I just wanted to add that it’s not that I don’t want my in-laws there, it’s more that they come across as very baby orientated and have not talked about or offered to help with any other aspects e.g house, cooking etc... I know with my parents I can be up front with them, if anything I’d prefer them to be there because I know they’ll give us the space we need to recover, get used to feeding and bond etc...

EDIT: thanks for all of your responses - it’s good to know that I’m not alone in stressing over this. I don’t think there is a right answer and of course I don’t know what the future holds I.e. long traumatic birth etc.... If I’m being honest, I’ve never connected with my in-laws/MIL and I get irritated easily with her (MIL) prolonged conversations from her archaic motherhood experiences. I can just see us clashing with opinions when we start to make our own ways as parents. I don’t want to stress about it. I also don’t want to an audience when I’m trying to establish breastfeeding..... the idea of them watching me is making me cringe. I’ve tried to establish some rules with my husband to stick to but he doesn’t believe they will adhere to them, he said I may just have to deal with his family. It’s still keeping me up at night 😔