Engorged breast and baby is not happy

Barbie • RN, Mommy to one little prince and one big superman! Born 05/18/10 & 10/17/18 #Boymommy

So I am 3 days pp, and my milk has come in. Baby was latching perfectly until my milk came in and now he is crying uncontrollably. I have tried to hand Express and I manually pumped some out. He has nursed on the left breast after manually pumping but the right breast he cannot get a good latch. I ended up caving in and gave him a bottle and I feel horrible. I almost want to give up because he cries so long and is very hungry. I'm not sure what to do. My breast are still swollen and painful. I see a lactation nurse tomorrow. I don't want to give him a bottle, so the next feed is in about an hour. Please give me some tips!