Condom broke on ovulation day 🤦‍♀️

I was on the pill for about 4 years, and this cycle is my first one off of it. I’ve been using the app Natural Cycles (if you aren’t familiar, it’s a fertility awareness method app based on your basal body temperature) to track my cycle and determine when it is and isn’t okay to have unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy.

My fiancé and I were using condoms during my fertile window, and ON THE DAY OF OVULATION the condom broke. 🤦‍♀️

We’ve talked about it thoroughly, and while it wouldn’t be the most ideal time, we would still be alright with having a baby right now. Honestly, at this point I’m kind of hoping that I’m pregnant. I’m in the middle of the two week wait and I’m going just a liiiiitle bit crazy wanting to know if I’m pregnant or not.

I’m 7dpo at the moment. For the past couple of days I’ve been having very faint cramps on the left side of what I’m assuming is my uterus. It’s very strange and pretty faint and has been happening on and off. I’ve also been having yellowish cm since yesterday, which isn’t normal for me (but like I said it’s my first cycle off the pill so I don’t /really/ know what my normal is 😓). It doesn’t smell or anything, so infection is very unlikely.

I know there’s no magic way to know if I’m pregnant or not by posting this, but what do you guys think?