This mf doesnt want to get married


So my boyfriend is in the military so he was pcs’d and now we are doing long distance. In july/august he told my grandma that he is 100% sure that he wants to marry me and he is going to marry, this is not he say she say i heard him say it out of his mouth. That ill be moving with him and we will be close again. Now this dumb dumb saying he doesnt want to get married. I asked him what changed? If i did anything that made him change the way he feel about it. All he say was : this is the convo it started bc i sent him a video of wine sharing or whatever its called where they add white and red wine together saying itll be a good idea


I clearly have some slight insecurities but thats not important.

I dont understand what made him switch it up. He expects me to be his girlfriend for the rest of our lives and wont tell me why anymore. How tf you say you know your going to marry me then change it? And give me this bullshit answer.. men are so irritating to me.