Adan đź’™

Catherine • Adan, Anaïs, and Athena’s Momma 🧸 miscarried our angel baby june 2021 👼🏽

My baby boy is a week old today ! He made his entrance at 39 weeks + 1. My midwife and nurse...including my mom were surprised at how quickly I dilated and pushed for a first time momma. Oct 13th was the day my REAL contractions started. I was trying to find ways to help induce my labor. I was on my yoga ball, I was drinking the raspberry leaf tea, and having lots of sex. None of it was working. One of the girls on here suggested I eat spicy food. That’s exactly what I did. My hubby and I went and got dinner at this Mexican restaurant. By the time I finished my third taco, I shit you not, I started contracting BAD. we got home and I was trying to relax and just get through them. I got in the shower and they went away. So I thought false alarm. I went to bed. I woke up at 2:30AM with excruciating contractions. My husband didn’t wake up till 5amish, so I was going through it alone. Not only was I having horrible contractions, I also had really bad back labor. By the time my husband got out the shower and I was debating whether or not to go to the hospital I guess my water broke 🤔🤷🏽‍♀️ I thought I had just peed myself a little. I then couldn’t anymore and told him to call L&D. We got there and I was 5cm dilated with my water broken and got admitted immediately. That was my biggest fear, to get turned away. I went like two-three more hours without anything to help the contractions and back labor. I wanted to rip my head off. I asked for the epidural. I got it put in. The next time they came to check me I was 7cm. Then the next 9cm. Around 4pm I was 10cm and he was low and ready to come out. I pushed for 51 mins. I got a minor labia tear and a small hemorrhoid on the last push.

Baby Adan was born at 4:58pm on Oct 14th. Best day of my life.