
When you look at the person you call yours,

Don't say a thing and just feel so incredibly lucky to have such a it spectacular human being to share you're life with,

That's when you know you have made it,

You've made it to the point where you both are in such a deep relationship that you feel invisible towards anyone and anything,

This feeling is such powerful emotion just by it's self,

When you hear long distance relationship you always think straight to the negative point of view and that's not your fault, our brains think like that it's called the posterior cingulate cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and ventral prefrontal cortex. Best described as facilitating a wakeful state of rest in which the mind naturally wanders straight down bad thoughts and uncomfortable situations.

So it already makes the 1st obstacle course to push through out of our many.


people who are apart from their partners tend to idealize them a lot more than those who are constantly surrounded by their presence. Reason being, the distance makes us miss the person we are close with to the point where we often daydream about them.


Uncontrollable & uncomfortable situation are tough to avoid in a long distance relationship. Trust is one thing you hold onto when your away from eachother for that long, it's such a great impact on your day whether it's positive or negative.

From my experience I've never really had a long distance relationship, usually I would pick the gang boys that do ridiculously intense drugs and be that girl who "follows" around be their slaves while getting abused at the same time, when your trying to make the man you call "yours" happy but he doesn't ever give a shit about you and what you do for him.

I had always knew from the beginning that no one should live a life like this getting torture everytime you speak to someone different or doing something fun "It always has to go their way" when being in a pack like this it's necessary to slap yourself out of it and get your head on straight because it will make you a bad person and you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't!

But that is all in the past and I'm so glad I had have the self-love I have today and such a greatfull and appreciative boyfriend I can call my one and only.

Yes we are in a long distance relationship but that's the most difficult and enjoyable part about our adventure, we go through so many ups and downs but that's like every other relationship out there. With us on the other hand I can tell you this it is hard. Hard to the point where you give up on one and other. Hard to the point where you desire sexual contact with someone else. Hard to the point where you start lying to your partner but still calling them "baby" because you don't want to tell them the ugly truth about what you have done, they do not deserve this your the one who needs to fix's yourself up and think about what you want in the future with this person.

Yes he and I have gone through these despicable events But we have always manage to fix the problem straight away and figure out what we can do better to make sure this doesn't ever happen again. I am in love with him with my whole heart and when he had told me about these issues I had broken down, it killed me so hard that I even thought about not wanting to see him again because I was that hurt from what he had told me on facetime that night, even though we weren't dating at the time we were still sexually involved with eachother and talking 24/7 plus declared our love for one and other. The deep issue that really kills you is that I have always been cheated on with many relationship in my passed and when I met him I knew he was different and wouldn't ever do that to someone because he also has had a rough pass with his ex, she treated him horrendously no one should ever go through what my man went through.


After you get cheated on,

It literally fucks you up. You think about every little thing someone says to you twice, shit maybe three even times trying to figure out if they were just lying to you too or they really mean what they say. You have this constant anxiety rolling around your head that they are hiding something from you all that they just randomly going to leave you and you over think short text they send you or take awhile to reply. If your dating someone who has been cheated on in the pass, understand that it's not you it's the piece of shit that came before you and I'm sorry you have to clean up their one heck of a mess but I'm really trying my best to trust you again.
