Advice pleaseee

Same sex relationship- little back story: So its coming up to our due date, but we sadly lost our baby, but shortly after we lost the baby i went silent so did he, we never spoke basically and we both ended the relationship bcos we both felt alone, a few days away from each other, made us miss and want each other again and sort of helped us speak about things we werent speaking about!! Well weve been back at ttc again, 3rd cycle this month. Idk but i know ive been distant and quite with my SO, our sex life in basically non-existent, maybe once every 3 weeks if that. i find myself and him glued to our phone rather than cuddled up together, we dont go on dates or really do anything work home work home same everyday. I wanna have that excitment back in our lifes i wanna make him happy again. Any advice how to get us back to that good place?? We both want to be together. Weve never even had a holiday together just 1 on 1 together alone time maybe a holiday would help??? Idk im feeling lost again and feeling like im silently pushing him away and i dont want to😣😣 sorry its all over the place i need advice.