My boyfriend is so sweet ❤️☺️


My boyfriend is at work right now and I’m off my work and I’m just chilling you know watching Sherlock because my boyfriend got me into it like they do get you into programs you’ll never think you’ll actually watch lol 😂 but he sent me a text message saying don’t cook dinner tonight we will get a takeaway. Plus I told him I got my period today what a bummer but I think he’s got super powers because he knew before I texted him that I started and he knew before I did this morning haha and girls if you get really bad cramps or backache I will recommend this it’s for periods you get them in the drug store for really cheap and you can take 1 or 2 capsules three times a day and took 2 this morning and my cramps and backache went away in 30mins and I feel great ☺️