
I started my period today, as planned, but it's so much worse than normal..

I woke up this morning to my boyfriend handing me my ringing phone. As soon as I got off the phone I felt it. The warm, pee-like sensation of the blood rushing out of me. But it wasn't normal. It felt like a lot. Almost too much. I told my boyfriend, very frantically, "I think I just started my period."

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom with my boyfriend trailing behind me concerned as hell. "Something's not right" I kept saying and as soon as I sat down on the toilet I seen it.

The blood was everywhere. Down my legs, all over my shorts, all over my thighs, spread across the ground and all over the toilet seat now. I was mortified. It was like someone had dumped a bucket of blood over my head.

The consistency of my blood was like water. It was the most terrifying period experience I've ever had. My boyfriend ran a hot shower for me and put me in it, washed my clothes and had ibuprofen and fuzzy socks waiting on me as soon as I got out.

The blood is still the consistency of water and I'm going through tampons and pads like nothing before. Has anyone ever had a period like this?? What's wrong with me?