Would you consider this cheating or leading towards it?

So I started a new college class last week & my teacher had us take down 3 of our peers numbers down or social media on our syllabus paper just in case if we ever miss a class & need to contact a classmate for work. A guy took down my number but everyone was passing their paper around so I wrote mine on his syllabus when he gave it to me just because & I didn’t want to be rude. I didn’t take his down though. Anyways after class he said he overheard people giving each other their ig’s but I said I didn’t have one only a Snapchat so he asked for it . I put it in & left. I called my bf right after class to tell him how I liked it and this might be my fav class so far. Anyways I had to drive home so I hung up. Literally 10-20 mins later the guy texted me and told me he couldn’t stop starring at me in class and I asked him why and he said because I was so beautiful and it was even better because I’m natural and he said he was upset to move back down to our state but he’s not anymore because he seen me & he put this emoji “😍”. I told my bf because the guys brother is actually famous on ig he has almost 200K followers & my bf watches his videos. So I said his brother is trying to talk to me & I told him what he said I sent him a screenshot. but I told him aw thank you but I have a boyfriend & his response was I respect that, your bf Better marry you. & my bf was like you shouldn’t have responded at all and he started saying he didn’t trust me, I’m too friendly & it kind of led to a argument & involved other things. We were arguing for about 4 days honestly until we decided to talk about how to move forward and make the relationship better for both of us. I do love my bf don’t get me wrong but he can be a huge asshole sometimes. Anyways the guy text me here & there but casual stuff he asks me did i start the hw yet because we have a certain time to get it done or else we’ll have to purchase the website. We’re on a free trial right now. He texted my phone but super casual he’s just talking about himself and how he likes to stay positive and he told me he’s 22 etc. he had made a comment the other day when he asked me did I do my hw I said not yet I’ve been distracted (because me & my bf were arguing all day but I didn’t mention that yet) & he said Lol tell your bf leave you alone so you can finish your work🙄. & I was just like wow funny because we had been arguing and all he said was he better get it together, put him in his place. But on iMessage he told me he was at a hotel and I said oh ok wyd there and he told me he’s chilling with some friends kind of like a weekend g2g or something & he told me don’t think he has hoes cause he doesn’t and in my head I was just like wow even if you do idc because I have a bf 😅. I don’t want to be mean and block him or give him a attitude because he’s in my class & literally sits right behind me lol. I don’t want to be rude for no reason. Meanwhile my bf is barely talking to me and he’s been acting up lately where I seriously had to rethink the relationship. We both know him texting girls isn’t acceptable at all because I know how these females can get VICE VERSA though. But since my bf been acting so mean to me I cried all night lol it just felt cool to have a casual talk with someone else but I don’t want him to catch feelings or it to lead to something else because I don’t want to cheat or do something I wouldn’t want him doing. Plus this guy posted a meme on Snapchat saying good women are hard to find so you have to take them from a guy who’s fucking up. I was so shocked & laughed because he thinks he can take me from my bf 😂after I watched it he deleted it though. Idk if this is just innocent or should I just tell the boy we can’t text or anything. This might be a little confusing but Help :/

- I kind of did enjoy the attention because my bf hasn’t been giving it to me. He’s been very mean & disrespectful for the past few days since I told him about the guy but I know it’s not something I want to continue or lead on.