How bad it your period, and how to make it a little better

Allie • Alicat

Here are some tips on cramps and how to make them better

Curb your vices: I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but caffeine, alcohol, excess salt, and fatty foods and can all make your period symptoms worse. Resisting your cravings can actually help to stave off cramps and bloating. If you can’t survive without your morning cup of joe (*raises hand*), make it a half-caf and try to hold off until mid-day on the crampiest day of your period.

Get moving: I get it, sometimes prying yourself off the couch and pausing that marathon of your favorite show feels impossible. But I promise that a vigorous workout is the best remedy for menstrual cramps. Don’t believe me? Exercise causes the release of beta-endorphins, which act as a natural pain reliever. If you can’t bear a trip to the gym, even an at-home yoga session will do some good. Twist poses are especially great for cramps and bloating.

Get off: If exercise is out of the question, orgasm is another great way to reduce cramping. Like with exercise, reaching orgasm triggers a release of endorphins which will naturally counteract pain, but also has the added benefit of helping to relax pelvic muscles that cause cramping in the first place. So you can feel free to get frisky, Doctor’s orders!

Heat things up: Fine, you’re not feeling too sexy. You can also heat things up in a whole other way. Using a heating pad or hot water bottle will also help relax the muscles that are contracting to cause cramps. No time to curl up on the couch? Adhesive one time use heating pads are a great on-the-go alternative. Pro tip: if your local store is out of menstrual heating pads, the neck, shoulder, and wrist version is basically the same thing.

Sleep it off: If none of this is working for you, go ahead and sleep it off. It’s not just you… it’s scientifically proven that you’re more tired during your period– increases in progesterone levels that occur in the second half of your cycle actually do make you more sleepy.

I hope these help ladies, stay comfortable. Hope this month goes good for you. 😁😁😁

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