I need advice

Y boyfriend and I have been together for 2 months officially now. We have know each other for 13 years! He is a very nice person we have always gotten along. Never had a fight or argument. Over the past few months since the spring we have spent a lot of time together... Then one day out of the blue he asked me to be his girlfriend and that he has always loved me...

Well I felt the same so we made it official... For the first month 1/2 things were great... But now I feel a distance between us... The text messages and phone calls has cut down major... We use to see each other 3-4 times a week now I'm lucky if its twice a week. We live about 40-50 mins away from one another. He doesn't make plans with me any more but make time and plans for other things... The other night I stayed with him and we barely spoke.... Yes it was 2 am that I got there but I had to work late. And not once did he touch or hold me when we went to bed. The next morning I felt so upset and hurt because I felt the distance... I just rushed out of there! He texted me twice once I left and apologized for not being much company and he called too but I never responded... When I left work that day... I texted him back and said hey... He said just checking on you then asked if I wanted to come over for a quickie before I had to go to my second job..... Yes we had sex it was good no complaints.... Then I left and went home... That was a day or so ago.... I talked to him twice and we texted about 2 -3 times maybe.... My question is is he not feeling us any more... Should I confront him about this... Should I walk away... Also he invited me to a Halloween party then said he was not going. Then at the last minute decided to go by him self... After he paid for our costumes.... And he doesn't post any pics we have taken on social media... His Facebook still says he is widowed! And he says he wants to take me on a date but doesn't want me to miss any work to do so.... But will request off work to do other things rather than plan something with me. I dnt understand what's going on. Someone please give me advice.

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He’s the only one who can tell you how he feels. To me if feels like he’s getting cold feet. My fiancé and I have also been friends for 13 years and it’s almost the same exact thing where we were distant as far as location wise, he asked me if I could see us being more and now we will be married in 4 weeks. He reminds me everyday how much he loves me and wants to spend every second he can with me. And I’m not saying this to rub it in I’m just saying someone who isn’t making you feel like a gem or makes your feel that sad disconnect, isn’t someone worth your time on that level. Sometimes situations like this makes you see that you were meant to be in each others lives as friends. But you need to talk to him and see what’s going on. If he can make time for you to have sex then he has some explaining to do. I hope things get better girl.


Rasheita • Oct 25, 2018
Thank you so much Alaina, I really appreciate that! Thank you!


Alaina • Oct 22, 2018
Honestly just tell him how you feel. It’s way to early in the relationship to feel this way. Maybe he’s dealing with some stuff and doesn’t realize what he’s doing. Obviously you care for him and your probably just scared he will say exactly what you think is going on and honestly that’s gonna hurt but I would rather deal with it now before you get to involved. Especially two months in the testing and cute stuff is only suppose to be just beginning not ending. I’m here for ya if you need to talk :)


Rasheita • Oct 22, 2018
But any way update! I decided to text him and tell him about how i feel and to see how he feels about everything... I have only talked to him twice today and when i called him later this evening... He didnt answer... So as im about to text him and lay everything out he sends me a message... Not talking about much but i feel like he pick certain topics to discuss just so that he can engage in a simple conversation we texted and talked for a bit then the texting just stopped... No good bye... No good night... Just stopped... So at this point i probably wont hear from him till either tomorrow morning or after lunch. I want to say something to him... Then i get scared


Posted at
If he's widowed, maybe he feels like he's cheating on his dead wife.


Rasheita • Oct 22, 2018
He has never been married... He broke up from his last girlfriend over 3 years ago... He was being silly when he did that a long time ago. He just never changed it.