Mentally exhausted

It's crazy coming to this part of glow and reading everyone's stories and finding that i relate to parts of each one.. all these stories of depression and anxiety, stress and suicide..and now I'm looking at myself thinking "get help now" I don't have a pill addiction now but I feel that my recreational use is starting to turn into one due to my stress and depressive thoughts I also think that I have ocd thoughts I'm not sure..but it's like I have a color code in my head that I replay non-stop everyday all day..once I see a color I repeat the color code in my head all day it drives me crazy to the point where I get headaches and I'm starting to clinch my jaws while sleeping and awake so everything is starting to take a tole on me physically as well as mentally...I honestly don't know where to start looking for help..I just feel overwhelmed and tired..I wish that I could be normal again..