Seems like we broke up for good

So my bf and I have Been best friends since we started dating over a year ago, we literally do everything together. Lately we have been fighting a lot more & he’s also been drinking more heavily (these fights have always involved alcohol). Most of the time it is the pettiest things we argue about & he has crossed a few boundaries as far as the way he’s communicated to me. (Called me a bitch, ect) but we’ve managed to make up every time. Well, last night my sister (whom I rarely get to see) and brother in law came to watch the game with us out somewhere & my bf made a comment about something to me and i ended up crying in the bathroom trying to hide the fact that I was upset from my sister. Well, she walked in & I told her we were arguing about money (which we were). Long story short, we didn’t speak all day today after he said he wasn’t coming to church with me then I got back home & he had cleaned half of the house & wrote me a note saying he needed a few hours to himself to relax & reset. The sweet gesture of him cleaning was overlooked by The fact that it again hurt my feelings because it’s just not how we’ve operated, so feeling like he wanted to be away from me just hurts. So he comes back home, and doesn’t say a word to me for the rest of the day. He asked me to come with him to get something to eat & he doesn’t say a word the whole there and back, then comes home eats in silence & when he’s done (I wasn’t done) he goes to the couch to watch football again. I end up telling him I think he should pack a bag for a week because I dont feel valued in the relationship right now & he simply refuses to “take a break” he angrily packs up all his stuff and tells me that’s just not going to work for him. I asked what that meant & he said if he walks out that door he’s not coming back. He takes a few trips to the car with his things then comes back to the bedroom where I’m laying down & gives me my key & said if I don’t tell him right now to stay then he’s “getting the fuck on for good & never coming back” I asked what he wanted & he said it’s up to me and I have 15 sec to figure it out. He immediately gets up to walk towards the door before I could even say anything & then he left. Yeah, I could have called him back in here but honestly I need him to show me he really wants to be with me right now, so me begging him to stay kinda didn’t make sense. Not really sure why I posted this, I guess I’m just needing someone to talk to about it since I pretty much leave all those close to me out of my relationship to avoid biased influence or judgement.