Sharp pains while Prego



I am only 7 weeks. For some reason I keep getting these extremely painful stomach pains. They are so painful sometimes they make me want to cry. It radiates from my stomach straight to my back. It has been happening since before I found out I was pregnant (5 weeks). When we went to the doctor she told me it was in my head. It’s totally not. It wakes me up in the middle of the night in pain. Normally if I go to the bathroom I am fine afterwards. Which leads me to believe it is gas/bowel problems. So I read avoid carbonated drinks, lots of water, take anti-gas liquid over the counter and a few others things. Nothing seems to be helping, any ideas? I feel like I’m going crazy and I’m really tired of hurting so bad/not sleeping

. If anyone has any ideas I will try them out! Thanks ladies!