Possible ectopic or missed miscarriage

Erin • IVF warrior. 🌈👶🏼 born 6/24/21 after 5 years.

Had my third positive test after a miscarriage and a chemical pregnancy. This last cycle I triggered on sept 24th and we <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>’ed on sept 26. At the two week mark I had a very faint positive so I drew blood, hcg only 5. Two days later at 16 days past <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>, still a faint line-another draw showed hcg at 9. My doctor said levels weren’t high enough and called it another chemical pregnancy. I stopped progesterone and started bleeding a day later later and bled for 3 days. Not super light, not super heavy but definitely adequate enough for a period.

Moving on, they put me back on birth control in preparation for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in a month or so since we’ve have 4 failed IUIs. I had some twinges last night and my boobs were hurting, so after a night of drinking away my sorrows with a gf, I joked about taking another test because My boobs hurt. this morning I POAS and here is the result! It’s so much darker than it was at the two week mark! Today I would be 25dpiui.

I called my doc and he doesn’t think it’s viable considering I stopped progesterone and bled for 3 days. But they never drew more blood and they never did a follow up US! They are going to draw me tomorrow but I’m freaking out wondering: could this be a viable pregnancy? Is this a possible ectopic: I do have some cramping on one side! Or is this an incomplete miscarriage?

Does anyone know about ANY of these scenarios?