So confused

I got my bfp on the 18th just a few days ago. I started bleeding on the 19th of this month and its like a period but lighter than normal for me. I keep testing and all my test are getting darker. I thought id be having a chemical pregnancy but the lines are getting dark and fast! Not lighter. I have no pain at all so im sure its not an etopic pregnancy. Has anyone had this happen before and continued to have a normal pregnancy. What could be going on. Any ideas? These tests were only taken 24hrs apart from each other and there is a huge difference in the line. I hear hcg Usually takes 2 to 3 days to rise and mine is going up in just 1 day. HELPPP!!

(I know the tests are postive, cleary lol. Im just trying to get some insight on if this has happened to anyone before and if they had a normal healthy pregnancy and etc) opinions? Answers?