Confronting your rapist

I’ve been having very bad anxiety lately thinking about my past. I’m 8 months pregnant with a little girl (my first child), and I can’t help but think about what happened to me when I was a child. I’ve never told anyone but when I was a child my older brother molested me. I’ve never know what to say or who to tell, my brother is recently divorced and living back with my parents so every time I go over there I see him. I feel as though I will never be able to let my parents see my child as long as he is around because of what he did to me. Im scared to confront him about it but it literally makes my blood boil to the point that I have evil thoughts about hurting him because of it. I need some serious advice about what to do. If anybody has been in this situation please help me! I want this to be over with, I don’t want to keep these thoughts in my head anymore.