Am I bipolar?

Sometimes I wake up in a great mood, positive, and optimistic. Other days I wake up feeling kind of depressed, gloomy, unmotivated, angry. On those days I fight with my bf about any small thing and blow it up. Even after he apologizes I feel like I WANT to be mad and keep it going but at the same time I DONT so I get more mad because I can’t let it go and be happy. I can snap and be super bitchy at any given moment and it makes me sad, I don’t want to be that person. Also some days I’m very talkative and happy and a few hours later I’m very antisocial and don’t want to speak to no one. My bf can even see it in my face even if I don’t say anything. I tell him I’m fine and he says I look super sad or something, even though I was just happy a few mins ago. I suffer from anxiety so I feel like I may have another mental illness.