How long after miscarriage did you ovulate?

Hannah • wife + mama 🧡

On Sept. 27, I found out that I had lost my daughter at 10 weeks. 2 days later I had a D&C.

So, it’s been 3 ½ weeks and I’m still getting positive tests. They seem to be getting lighter ever so slowly(painfully slowly), but they’re still positive. About a week and a half ago my beta HCG was at around 1200. It seems to be dropping so slowly. 😒

I’ve had two previous losses, but they were chemical, so the positive tests only lasted about a week or so anyway. I’ve never dealt with this before.

When can I expect to get a negative test and then ovulate again? After my blood draw at 1200, my doctor told me to give it three weeks, and if I’m still testing positive to call and come in for another draw. And it’s looking like that’s what’s gonna happen.🙄 I just hate how this sort of thing is so dang uncertain.

How long did it take you to get a negative test (and how far along were you) and then how soon after that did you ovulate?

My doctor told me that after my period comes back we can try again. I reallllly just want to be pregnant again and want this residual HCG to get out of my system so that we can hopefully conceive our rainbow🌈✨