Baby is trying to come early!😭😭

Elaina • wife & mama🤍Jameson John Lawrence 1/3/2017🧒🏻Areli Kennedy 1/6/2019👧🏻 Lennox Winchester 6/2/2021👶🏼

Hey y’all. I figured I’d update here as to what’s going on. I am currently 27 weeks, 3 days pregnant with our sweet baby girl, Areli. On Saturday, I started just not feeling well and having back pain. I thought it was just from sitting how I was and sleeping weird. Sunday morning, I started having more pains but nothing too bad. At about 2pm, I started getting some stomach pains and my mom and husband basically made me go to the hospital. I get there and I’m having contractions every 4 minutes and I’m dilated to a 2. I have now been on magnesium sulfate, antibiotics, IV fluids, and steroids for Areli’s lungs. If they are unable to stop my contractions, I’ll have to be sent to Charleston where there is a NICU to deliver. I am still contracting every 4 minutes even after 12 hours on the magnesium so prayers are definitely needed!