
Gabrielle • Wife ❤️ Dog and Reptile Mom 🦎🐾 Due in December with a little girl 🎀💕

On August 14, 2018 I found out I was pregnant with my first baby, on September 3, 2018 I found out I had miscarried. Between all this going on my Husband started a new job that he travels out of town with. He left about a week after the miscarriage for work, and probably hadn’t been home more than a week sense. I finally had my AF last week/weekend and now I’m approaching my fertile week and my husband is out of town 😩 he won’t be home till next month. I’ve been lucky enough to visit him a couple times, but don’t see me be able to before he gets to come home for Thanksgiving. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy. I also have Multiple Sclerosis, and I have my first doctors appointment for that this week since the miscarriage (pregnancy was a neurological blocker), and their going to want me to go back on medicine, but I don’t see how with my husband working. I can’t tale shots the only TTC safe medicine without my husband. Sometimes the shots give me panic attacks, and I can’t go through that alone. I just don’t know what to do. Without being on MS medicine I can relapse. Sorry it’s so long I just don’t know what to do, or what to take as my next step at TTC. 😔 Plus I’m scared we will get pregnant again and it will end in a MC.