15 months ttc


Well, this is month 15 ttc our first. I am 27 and hubby is 29. This is also the 5th month of clomid 50mg. The last 2 months has been done with metformin also. It has been confirmed by blood test that I do ovulate every month from clomid, I had an hsg to determine my tubes were open and they are, my hubbys semen analysis all came back good, my prolactin levels are normal, my A1c is good, and so is testosterone and every other test my gyno did. What gives?! I do opks and get cramps when I ovulate so I know it’s not a timing issue. Any advice? My gyno said a max of 6 months on the clomid and then he will need to refer me to a specialist. This is so mentally draining.