I have got hold of some Clomid. Do i use it?


Hi , im 33 and been ttc for 14 months now. I am not aware of any problems with myself or partner. I have a son of 6 (who i fell pregnant with soon and unexpectedly) my partner has two children 2 and 4. So after using a <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">ovulation tracker</a> app and using clearblue advanced ovulation tests

My periods and ovulation is pretty much regular. After a year it has started to get to me and it's so disheartening when i come on my period now. So i went to my doctors and i have been referred to a fertility clinic as it's been over 12 month. My appointment is on 17th of December. In the meantime. I have got hold of some Clomid. I don't know whether it'll do any harm using it on my next cycle. Today my ovulation test showed high. Xx