Me and my best friend?? PLEASE I NEED ADVICE!!


So this has been one hectic year for me. In March my long term boyfriend of almost 4 years dumped me and a few weeks later I started dating this guy I met. We had a lot in common and tons of fun together in the beginning and despite people warning me to take things slow with him, I started to feel suffocated and rushed. We went on vacation with his family and I remember feeling so out of place And I wanted out but told myself it was just me overthinking. He did little things that bothered me like crazy and after a while I knew this wasn’t something I wanted. He was a nice boy and all, but after dating for a while I just knew it wouldn’t work. We liked the same things but were different people and wanted different things in life. I am also moving in 2 and a half months out of state for school, and I had told him I wanted to be single to handle the workload of a new university.

Another big reason I felt this relationship had to end was I was beginning to see my guy best friend as a potential love, and I felt immensely guilty for it since I was in a relationship. We have been friends for almost 4 years and I had always thought of things were different what if...

So I told myself being with a guy and thinking about my friend was wrong and I told him and all of my other friends we broke up because I should be alone for a bit before I move, it felt like we were forcing a romance when we’d work better as friends, and that I didn’t want to go through a break up while I’m in a new state and city.

So I cut things off with the guy I was dating and just focused on being by myself. I spent time alone, enjoyed my hobbies alone, went shopping alone. I have done this for a couple of weeks and something that has scared me so much has made me so happy. I crushed on my best guy friend and dropped the subtlest hints I was interested, but other than that I was happy.

However, my guy friend and I recently came clean to eachother how we feel about one another and where both as socked that the other felt the same way. This boy is just perfect for me. We have the same sense of humor, we both a very loyal and trustworthy, we both have career goals and since we’ve been friends for so long, we know each other’s family and are friends with our friends. He has known my relationship troubles and I have known his so we know what is important to eachother in a relationship, and honestly it is us. I everything I want in a relationship is him, and now that I know he wants me too I don’t know what to do. We said we’d keep our feelings a secret to our group of friends except the two were closest to, but other than that we have no idea.

We both said right now long distance does seem like an option but I am worried about the workload and how I won’t have time to talk to him all the time. He agreed and because he’s a stem major he is majorly busy too. But we both kind of thing that’s good because if one of us was busy and the other wasnt it would be a problem. I also told him it’s okay that if we don’t text all the time since I do like my independence and he likes his to.

But the thing I’m worried the most about know is what people would think. I’m worried everyone will think I’m jumping guy to guy and I can’t be by myself. I’m scared people will say why start a relationship or even think of one when I’m moving and we don’t know what will happen next. I’m worried my ex will find out I had these feelings before we broke up and think I just didn’t want him. I’m so scared but this seems like it can be the perfect relationship so I really want to hear other peoples take on this.