Contractions with irritable uterus


So this is my third pregnancy (first ending in first trimester, second was successful and full-term). During the third trimester of my last pregnancy I had contractions often (not Braxton Hicks, real charted contractions). I was admitted for preterm labor twice but ended but carrying my son to 40 weeks after the steroids for lung development, and a prescription for contractions (I didn’t like taking) . My OB told me this time around I would likely have more contractions and that she thinks I have irritable uterus. I have researched irritable uterus and everything I read said if you have more than 5 an hour to call. I have them throughout they day lately maybe 5 times a day total. Today I have way more and lower back pain, but I did overdo it today caring for our 2 year old and working. I’ll post a photo of how many contractions I’ve had this evening but I’m not wanting to call unless this seems like a real threat, because it’s such a waste of time if they’re just from irritable uterus.

Would you call for this?