I’m quitting my job!!

YUE • Miscarriage today January 26,2022. Devastated

I feel such a quitter for leaving my job. I have a lot of students who do not want to see me go but working there for a year and 2 months seems like I should have left a while back. I know that people say that dealing with crappy coworkers is part of the job but not when you have to pick up their slack and do their jobs!!. Also I’m doing my supervisor job without the pay like what the fuck?! She became so dependent on me and when I tell her I can’t come in for family emergency she gives me such a bullshit reason. Not only my coworkers are giving me a hard time but supervisor is such a negative person and brings the worst of me. I work the hardest I can in this job and that’s all I can say.

Sorry for the long passage.