Freaking out a little.


Trying not to though.

I'm pregnant with my rainbow baby, 8 weeks today.

Last pregnancy was a miscarriage that ended at 7w3d, I was only measuring 5w with no yolk just an empty sac.

This time around I had some spotting at 5w3d so went in and they took my blood, came back at 1221, 4 days later it was 3552. About a 200% increase so the doctor was happy with those numbers. Between those days I had an ultrasound and saw the sac with a yolk and a faint fetal pole. Today at my 8w apt they did another hcg test numbers were 27917. Got a call from the doctors nurse saying that the doctor thinks it's not viable because my numbers are dropping?? How is that possible when they were over 3k on the 8th and almost 28k today? It makes no sense. I told her to check my numbers and have the doc recheck it and she agreed that she thinks the doctor made a mistake. I have an ultrasound tomorrow but still... I'm scared it's TRUE and I dont want to lose this baby....

Hcg slows after the numbers get so high :(