Bed Rest Contractions


So I wasn’t feeling right last Friday and I couldn’t shake the feeling that everything wasn’t okay. So like a paranoid first time pregnant lady I called my OB and she had me come in. Turns out I was having contractions 1-2 minutes apart and had been for 2 days. I had assumed they were Braxton Hicks but apparently those are lower and aren’t suppose to be painful. So I’ve been in bed rest all week and got put on medication that slows the contractions but in turn makes me feel miserable (dizzy, extreme nausea, heavy chest and limbs, shortness of breath feeling, etc). I was also told today that I may have to stay on bed rest the remainder of my pregnancy which, as a teacher, is suuuuper stressful to think about.

Anyway, if you pray I could really use it. If you’re a positive thoughts kinda person send those my way too. I’m 28 weeks and my doctor really would like baby to stay in there for about 8-10 more weeks 🤞🏻