Saggy butt?


So since i was 13 ive always had a "perky butt" it was cute at first, untill it starting getting bigger and BIGGER..! Thus getting stretch marks, cellulite, and slowly over the years it's started to sorta sag. I think because im my own worst critic, i make it out to be alot worse than it actually is, but i would NEVER wear bottem bikinis out. I just don't feel confident enough to do so. Ive accepted the stretch marks but i just want a toned butt, and zero cellulite. I'm now 19 and ive tried the gym, but because i wasnt really seeing any results within 2 months i kinda gave up. Has anyone had this problem, and how did you overcome it? I just really need some motivation. Im 173cm tall and weigh 74kg, so im definitely curvy, and probably will alway be, which is fine. I love how my body can look with clothes on just not so much with clothes off. When all the imperfections are noticeable.