Exercising (trying not to obsess 😩😩😩)


Hey mamas!! My LO is 3 weeks old. I had a VBAC, and a 2nd degree tear. My vagina is still in some pain but not unbearable. I’m TRYING to relax as much as I can but we all know how impossible that really is. Anyway, my issue is this. Before baby, I was super heavy in the gym. And I even did maternity work outs at home up until I was 35 weeks. I’m ITCHING to get back to working out. My bleeding had pretty much stopped, but yesterday I took my LO out to get lunch on my own for the first time. I may have been doing too much because when I got home I had started bleeding again. It was enough for a panty liner and it was red like period blood. Because of this, do you guys think I should wait a little longer to work out? I’m trying not to be self conscious about my body because I know the miracle it just pulled off, but I also really wanna fit into my old clothes again. 😔😔 any advice is welcome!! And here’s my little puppy baby 😍