my boyfriend is annoying me

so me and my boyfriend have been dating for a while and we really do love each other, he’s given me a ring and he always goes out of his way to make sure i’m happy but lately i’ve just been getting annoyed with him. i wouldn’t wanna say he’s controlling but he doesn’t like when i go out anywhere, it’s always a problem if i wanna go hang out with some friends especially if they’re male. however he has two girls that he works with that he always hangs out with, they do everything together they went to the carnival, they got their toes done together, he goes to see movies with them all after work around 11 at night while i have to sit at home and wait. if i ever say i want to go out it’s a problem and he always tells me that “i got him fucked up” of i wanna leave the house. not only that he’ll tell me they’re nothing but sisters to him so i should let it go. he also has problems with me liking picture of anyone that’s a male on my instagram he basically stalks to see what kinda of things that i like so that he can start some drama about it. i never like other males pictures unless they’re family or an actor/singer that i like. but with him it’s different he can like any instagram hoes picture that he wants and even turn on their post notifications so he knows exactly when they post something. it’s just irritating because i’m really not the jealous type and i’ve been in this kind of situation in my last relationship but never talked about it cause it wasn’t that deep but every time i bring it up now it a problem. i just don’t know what to do.