Progesterone levels at 4 weeks, 5days.

Kymberly • 🌈 born 7/25/2019

Hey all, so I’m doing ICSI/<a href="">IVF</a>, and had my beta blood test today. My HCG was mid to high 800’s, but my progesterone was only 35. I’m quite worried as they’re having me come back in on Friday to re-test. I was told to be “cautiously optimistic” by the nurse. I’m also doing some reading online that says this is in the normal range. Just wondering what others have had as results, if you’ve gone on to carry to term, etc. This is my second pregnancy, but the first resulted in a miscarriage - so as you can imagine I’m quite nervous. For reference, I’m 4weeks and 5days along. Thanks in advance <3