Guy advice 🤦🏼‍♀️


Advice needed ladies.

I met this guy a while ago. We went out on a few dates, got along really well. Spoke all day everyday. He’s a really nice guy. Sounds good so far right? Well, here’s the thing. After the last date he went in for a kiss but I got nervous and just gave him one on the cheek. We spoke about it after but I noticed his tone changed and he was distant. This mf texts me the next day saying he just wants to be friends because there isn’t a spark there when in reality I wasn’t even thinking about putting a label on it so soon. Fair enough right? No big deal. Left it the whole day before making a decision and decided he was nice enough to keep as a friend. He messaged me the whole day. Even at work.

Now here’s the problem, he made it rather clear he didn’t want me as a girlfriend. Thing is, when I told him that I had a friend home from uni that was helping me with the decorating (I’ve known him years, needed that support). He stops replying completely but is still watching all of my stories on social media?

Surely if he just wants to be friends he wouldn’t be bothered that my friend has come home from uni for me? My friends been a part of my family from day 1. Our parents are friends and even our grandparents were friends.

I’m out all partying all weekend so I’m thinking. Do I pull him up on it? Do I leave it till after I’ve been out and he’s seen I’m having a good time without him? Do I just drop him anyway?

Not looking for judgement. Just advice.