In need of advice!


My little girl is 9 weeks old and is EBF. The doctor started her on Zantac for reflux Tuesday since her weight gain has gradually slowing down.

I’ve noticed a huge difference, no more spitting up and she is much happier after feeding. Then last night she went from eating every 3-4 hours at night to 1-2hours!

She usually feeds for 10-15 mins on one breast for one feeding, I’ve been to a lactation specialist and they said this is fine since her transfer sits at 3.5oz. Last night her feedings ranged from 8mins to 20 mins and it didn’t make a difference with how long she went before next feed. She’s not fussy at all just wants to eat then goes right back to sleep.

What can it be? Is she making up for lost time now that she is feeling better? Normal growth spurt? Or should I be concerned and call the doctor? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!