Father in law finally met his grandson

Alexis • Mommy of 4 💜💙💖💚.

My father in law was incarcerated when my son was born and got out a week ago. I’ve been so overwhelmed with excitement of them meeting and getting to know each other that I haven’t had time to post. There was also a death in my family so that has also contributed to the lack of me posting. Here’s a FIL and son flood 💙☺️.

^^ son was not happy with us letting him change his diaper 😂😂

3 generations ❤️💙

Now here’s just some cute pictures of us these past few weeks

^^ my son and my friend’s baby (she smiled so big when she met him it was so cute)

^^ Finally got a picture of our little family 😍

^^ we tried to copy Jr. face but Sr. messed it up 🤦🏻‍♀️

Okay done spamming 🙂