My and my boyfriend dreamt of FISH !

Dariel • Wife💍, Believer ✝️, 20☺️, Soph Nursing Student 📗 Small Business Owner 💫 MTB of baby #1 🤰🏽🍼❤️ My Identical Twin Angels Delasia & Delasio 👼🏽

Haha, so me and my boyfriend dreamt of fish the exact same night as each other. This was crazy, he woke me out of my dream from moving so much, and then said “i just had a dream about a big ass fish, he was talking to me. I went fishing and he followed me home and when i got home he smelled other fish and said “I’ll be back bitch” and flew away” LMAO ! Like what? Then i was like “that’s crazy cause i just dreamt of fishes too” Ok so mines was on the more on the normal side😅😂. So we are supposed to be moving soon. And i had a dream that i had moved the fish tank into the house and sat it in one room, then brought it in another, but hella water fell out when i was trying to carry that heavy ass fish tank and since the filter wasn’t on some of them died. It was even a squid in there for some reason, he died tho” 😂 that