Falling out of love


So about three months ago I moved to Vietnam from England with my family for a fresh start, I left all my friends and my boyfriend who I’ve been dating for a year next month and I’m confused. When I was in England we were obsessed with eachother, I thought it was always crazy how much we loved eachother because I felt as if I could spend the rest of my life with him but now it’s all changed. At the start of the move I was heart broken I missed him so much and cried every night but as time went on I just get this feeling as if I don’t know if I love him anymore, I haven’t said I love you for months and when ever he says it I just cringe so what’s happening??? I don’t know if I want to break up with him but I also feel like it wouldn’t be the end of the world if we did. He’s the biggest sweetheart always trying to make me feel better and always telling me how much he loves me but I just don’t know if I feel the same way. I’m going through a dark time in my life atm and I’m wondering if it’s because of that, have I fallen out of love with him? I’d love some help if any ones gone or is going through this too thank you xx