I’m not obligated to miss him

So my bf told me he missed me and all I said was “do you” kinda like mhm do you really because last night we got into it bad and he treated me like shit & I’m just like how can you treat someone like shit and then miss them all of a sudden the next morning. He should’ve taken advantage when I was w him if he really missed me and hugged up on me and just play it cool instead of being a mean asshole . Then he got upset and texted back saying “ See when I try this how u wanna act so fuck it “ then I said “you ask me do u all the time so I dnt see the problem & you always say that if u don’t want to try to make the relationship better for urself then don’t try at all if it’s so easy to say fuck it don’t try at all & I’ll do the same” like all because I said do you its fuck it. I don’t miss that nasty asshole I seen last night sorry not sorry. I need time & space to miss him. Hes lucky I even responded honestly I woke up this morning not wanting anything to do with him. Plus what kind of trying is that? A I miss you is called trying these days? Smh guys just get worse everyday