10/26 CD7

Malinda • Married to my best friend ❤️ 👼🏽 👩🏽👧🏼👶🏽👼🏽🤰🏼🌈

Been a little while since I’ve posted. Partially been busy, partially been frustrated with TTC. I was super upset Day 1 of AF, I think the worst it’s ever been. I was sobbing on the couch while hubby and I were talking. We’ve officially made a fertility appointment for next Friday. I know it’s a long shot at this point, but maybe we can get one cycle of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> in before the end of the year and our deductible resets. I shouldn’t ovulate before the appointment, so technically we would have 2 more cycles before the end of the year, so depending on how much more testing they need from me, it’s possible, but I’m not holding my breath.

Anyway...I love Ava temps! They just feel so accurate. This time last month I was still figuring out how loose or tight to have my bracelet; I think I started getting it right around 3 days BEFORE ovulation. But this month, I’ve had it from the beginning. Definitely the calmest chart I have ever had. I haven’t really been checking CM this cycle, just waiting at this point.