14 week baby constantly comfort sucking! Help!!


My baby was premature by 5 weeks and has been exclusively breast fed from the start. At around 10 weeks, I tried him with a bottle. I have tried every night for the past month and although we may have had maybe one/two successful feeds with a small amount of milk, he immediately wants the boob after. Most recently he has not taken a bottle at all, various bottles, even with all the techniques (dad giving him the bottle etc). He most certainly won’t take a dummy despite trying daily (again various dummies) and the last week he just constantly wants to be on my boob - to either fall asleep or nurse. He’s not particularly happy when he’s off even when I’m all singing and dancing. It’s becoming relentless and I’m struggling to even have a bath at night without him crying. My nipples are also so sore from him constantly feeding/sucking. He has always fed every two hours in the day which I wouldn’t mind but this is actually all day everyday, practically. He sleeps well at night, can often get 5/6 hours sleep solidly - but I need the sleep from the days shift! Any ideas? Or am I just going to have to roll with it? Is it likely hes never going to take a bottle and any tips or ideas for cup feeding? Anyone else same scenario and does it ease off when he starts on solids? Will he ever want solids?! 😂thanks...