Can’t wrap my head around this 🤣😆

So known this guy for a VERY long time.... he always was trying to capture my attention and blah blah blah blah figured he is too hot for me.

I Never minded it.

He knew when I purchased my house (since his mom knows my dad they talk words were said 😆😂), he admitted to me face to face he waited 4 years after I bought mine for one to be for sale on the same damn street!!!!!!!!

(We decided a few years ago we’d be FWB)

He told me back than

“I bought a house”

I was like cool 😎

He said ya just....3 houses from yours ☺️😁

I was like 😳😳😳😳

He was like now we can see each other whenever

I was like 😳😳 yup🙈

I ended it a couple weeks later....

Anyways came back to him several months ago. after being Mia for 4 years Iol

He saw me one time asked me to shoot him a text I waited months before I decided to.....

Anyways our FWB right now is like this....

He’s practically wrapped around my finger

Doesn’t ever want me to end what we have which is fwb 🙈 he’s dead set on it, he’s mentioned it a few times

He Said whatever I want, it’s mine

He said he will do anything I want because if it’s enjoyable to me he’s going to enjoy it as well.....

We had a fight a few weeks ago and I was like listen I’m done with this, btw FWB should not be complicated as you make it. goodbye. holy fire balls he was like What?? No no no please DON’T!

The hell is this boys problem?! 🤣😆😆

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