Can you guys see this?

Af is 4 Days late, I’ve been having mood swings like CRAZY, sobbing for no good reasons with family/friends at the slightest disagreement, have felt slightly nauseated randomly and have had bad heartburn. I took a ClinicalGuard test a bit ago and this was the result??? I swear I am seeing pink but I need more eyes please! I put it below an opk which is ALSO positive? Don’t confirm with temps but have been having multiple paoitive opks this month that look like this. AF was due Monday and I had positive opks during the week I thought I would be fertile 4-11th, one a week before AF was due, a positive one when AF was due and apparently another positive today alongside this pregnancy test? I had heard some people mentioned the molecules are similar but if you’re getting positive opks due to pregnancy you should also get similar positives on hpts. You guys see it?

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