Little Girl made a Grand Entrance!

Christy • Mom of 2 Boys, Baby #3 due Oct 2018. Cake Decorator/Pastry Chef.

This is baby #3, first girl. I have 2 boys 4 years and 2 years.

She was definitely being stubborn about getting here! I was 40&4 when I went to my prenatal appt on Tuesday mid-morning. My Dr checked for dilation (was 2 cm!) And did a membrane sweep. He stated that labor could start as early as 24 hours later, but also it could do nothing. I was scheduled for an induction for Friday night.

I went to work on Wednesday for 6 hour day and came home. I was really tired and considered taking a nap, but it was already 4 PM and I knew I wanted to spend some time with my boys before bed. Then I got a painful cramp and felt like i needed to poop so I went to try to go.

I was getting pretty painful cramps and decided to hop in the hot shower. I was in there for 15ish and decided this was it. So I got out and called my mom at around 5pmish for her to come bring me to the hospital. Around 530ish it was so painful I was on my hands and knees in my kitchen screaming with the contractions. We decided to call 911! I felt like I had to poop and I wasnt allowed to sit on the toilet. The operator couldn't find our apartment address, and I was getting pissed cause I was in so much pain.

My water broke while i stood in the doorway to our bathroom and i went and was laying over the side of our bed my knees on the ground. It was the only comfortable position. My mom got there minutes later and also called 911. Emts finally arrived about 15 mins later and one of them was someone i went to HS with! (So crazy). They kept wanting me to get in my bed but it hurt too much and I wasnt cleaning that mess up lol I literally remember thinking about the clean up.

They finally convinced me to get into the EMTs chair and they carried me out of my apartment, got me in the gurney and in the ambulance. Then I knew I had to push. I pushed her out in one huge push, I had wanted to stop midway cause the red ring of fire is so accurate, but everyone was saying push. She was here! Born in the ambulance parked outside of my apartment!!!

I can't believe it, she came in about an hour and 15 mins. I had no drugs (a first for me lol). And I was nowhere near my hospital of choice, plus too far to be brought there by ambulance. So went to the "best" hospital of the choices I had and we just got home today. So in love with my baby girl 💖 and so are her brothers and father.