9 weeks and symptoms fading

Sabrina • wifey, human and dog mom, professional hair twirler 👼👼 | 🌈👶🏻


I am 9w1d and have noticed that my symptoms seem to be fading. I’m not as tired, my boobs don’t really feel sore, and my morning sickness has drastically subsided. I had an early ultrasound at 7w6d and saw the baby measuring right on time with a heartbeat of 160. I’m absolutely terrified of a miscarriage or a missed miscarriage. I had two losses at 6 weeks back in the spring and I just want my little rainbow to come in May. Has anyone lost their symptoms around this time and had things be ok? I’ve shared my concerns with my doctor and he assured me these things are normal, including the back pain I’ve been having on and off. He said everything by his standards is progressing perfectly. I saw him for a quick visit yesterday as a routine check in, but even though he said all is fine, I’m still such a basket case.