Choosing birth control?


TLDR/ LARC options eg implant and iuds?

I have previously used the pill or just condoms, but I’d like to use something more long acting, but obviously reversible (I’m only 20)

I live in nz, and we do have a few fewer options here than in other places it looks like (incl the pill is a bit in short supply 😐). So if you are familiar with what’s available here or the process of getting it or costs here, that would be incredibly helpful!

Currently I am in a sort of relationship, and it’s long distance. It is exclusive, and we have both been tested for stds/stis

So, about my experiences so far:

Condom alone worked fairly well for awhile, though more recently I have had an issue with a condom slipping and close to it happening again so I definitely want back up even if I do continue using condoms.

The pill works well enough, but I’m pretty sure that it gave me worse acne, and it was a huge pain in the ass to take a pill every single fucking day when I only actually get any for short bursts of a few days every 3 months to a year. It was however convenient to be able to skip periods…

With the pill, I had to go back like every 3 months to get a new pill pack from the family planning type clinic here, which I got lazy both times I was on it and didn’t go back on because I just don’t really get sex often so it’s a bother to back when it’s like I really might not get sex any time soon.

So the Depo Provera short is probably out too as I wouldn’t like to have to go back every three months.

So from what I can see I have three real options here:

The implant

Hormonal IUD

Copper IUD

The implant and the hormonal iud look like they last somewhere between 3 to 5 years, is that right?

And from what I can see, the copper iud lasts 10 years?

Anyone had experiences with the hormonal ones and how that affects them? Cycle changes? Do you still get your period or does it stop? If you still get it, is it lighter or heavier? Does it change symptoms like acne, cramps and back pain?

And the copper iud, I’ve seen that it can create worse cramps and heavier periods, at least at first? Is it bad?

And for all of the options, are they actually fully reversible at any time? I have no idea when I’m likely to want to start a family, highly unlikely it’ll be in the next year or two, but I really can’t say too much beyond that at this stage, definitely wouldn’t want to end up locking myself into not being able to have kids for 10 years.

As for getting it done: are any of these painful to get out in? I’m not really scared of needles or anything so that’s not an issue, but I’m really good at putting of awkward/painful/unfamiliar things so if it hurts, it’ll be an excuse for me to just not do it unfortunately 😕

And again, anyone in nz with experience about cost and like the process of getting it done? Like do I go to the family planning clinic or a gp? Will I have to go to the hospital to have it put in? I don’t really have any girl friends who I could ask about it, but I feel like I remember a girl back in high school talking about it, and I think she had to go to the hospital, and possibly a bigger one than we have in our little city, which I can’t really do easily.

Anyway, sorry this is so long, I’m just trying to weigh out my options. Thanks to anyone who actually bothers to read it!