Thursday Morning, I had sex..


My boyfriend & I had sex Thursday morning. And I ALWAYS pee after sex, and when I did, I peed a little bit of blood and there was also a good bit of blood when I wiped. But not like period blood, I’m not even due for my period and I have the nuvaring. Then, we left to go pick up his daughter from school and he decided to go to the doctor, because he’s been sick (he has the flu). When I got out of the car and started walking, there was a sort of sharp pain on the inside of my vagina, which is really concerning cause I have the nuvaring, but the pain was a kinda pause what I’m doing, let it subside, and then continue. It wasn’t too bad. Whenever we have sex, he usually pushes the nuvaring way back, so I thought maybe it got pushed too far back. Well. When we got home like 4 hours later, I went to the bathroom to make sure everything was okay. And it wasn’t even pushed back at all. There was blood everywhere, and all around my nuvaring. So I cleaned it off, and changed clothes and went outside. And I got a sharp pain in my lower stomach.

I went back inside and started feeling around my waistline to see if anything felt strange or off. I felt a little lump inside my lower stomach/waistline area near the left side and it hurt when I pushed down to feel it. Ever since, walking briskly has made it hurt worse and it’s very tender to the touch.

It’s Saturday morning and I am still spotting blood, but now the blood is old and brown.