Rachel • Baby girl born July 5th 2019 👶🏽 successful ivf on the first round... after 9/10years trying.🥳🥰 miscarriage with baby no2 💔


I would like to share with you our story of infertility. Me and my partner have been together 9 and a half years now, I was 16 when I met him I knew from the moment I met him he was the one!! I come off of birth control when I was 18 I was working he was working and it just felt right. Well I knew something wasn’t right after a couple years so started getting tests and everything, I got diagnosed with PCOS. I was heartbroken and thought ok at least we can get help now and know what’s wrong, but skip a couple years got told that I didn’t have PCOS anymore and that I was completely healthy. My partner started having tests and we found out he has low sperm count low sperm volume and one other thing I can’t remember now. After a couple years of saving my partner said it’s our time we deserve to be parents, so started out look for a fertility clinic. The clinic we had chose is only half an hour away, the people in there are amazing and so so kind. After having loads more blood tests and scans we started our meds! So on the 15th we had our Egg collection, we got 12 eggs, then we found out that 9 had fertilised. On the 20th of October we had our transfer. The wait killed me to find out how many we were transferring and how they were doing, out of all 9 only 2 were strong enough to transfer, and none of the rest were even strong enough to freeze. Me and my partner were happy but nervous as the Embryologist said that even though our embryos were blastocysts they were not looking so good so he did say he thinks it would be worth a shot in transferring the two we had and pray!!!

After Constant praying and relaxing taking it easy, 7 days today after transfer we got our BFP!!!! I never thought I would be saying this but ladies it’s all in God’s timing.