implantation bleeding or Aunt Flo?


Need help determining what the hell is going on with me 🙄‼️

Long story short ..

TTC for about 6 months, obviously no luck 😒

i came on my period October 8th (my birthday) and came off october 13th (had very light spotting couple days before)

here i am today confused cause i’m bleeding again 🤦🏾‍♀️ this is my “fertile” week and glow says i ovulated yesterday 🤷🏾‍♀️

this “bleeding” had been going on since wednesday (10/24) it went from brown to pink to bright red 😑 now back to pink

what could this be ? this can’t be implantation bleeding cause it’s bright red and lasted longer than one day correct ? somebody help meeeee



I have not tested yet. waiting to miss my period 🤷🏾‍♀️ but today i went to the bathroom to potty and i saw a spec of blood (just the first time i wiped) my CM was stretchy my body is confusing tf outta me lol. and i have slight cramps. COULD THIS BE MY MONTH ???